
Welcome to the English version of the blog brouillondeconscience ('draft of consciousness' when translated from French).

How do we reconcile our spiritual quest with the reality of our daily life?
Often, in our "search for the Self" we begin to see the world as illusory, therefore we start ignoring it.
Yet this world of transient events is no more than the beaming expression of the Self.
This blog attempts to express the attention to the transient and the recognition of its Source.

The brouillondeconscience team

Version Française

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The fraility of Life

Yesterday my life almost came to an end, or could have taken a very sorrowful turn...

As I was accompanying a friend, both in a car on vacation,
we both fell asleep while driving... We woke up as the car hit a fence and partly de-routed,
with one wheel hanging up in the air... We were really lucky to have driven slowly and that
the fence was strong enough to hold us from falling down the valley...

These kind of experiences really make one think about life and death.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dear Women,

Press here to view this beautiful testemony by www.consciousmen.com

Electromagnetic waves of mobile phones: finally revealed?

I just watched the excellent French documentary “Mauvaises Ondes” (“Bad Electromagnetic Waves”), about the Taboo subject of the harmfulness of mobile phone electromagnetic-waves. To my knowledge it is among the first documentaries to demonstrate so well the harmfulness of those electromagnetic waves, and how it is dissimulated (concealed) due to huge lobbying and political pressures. What i discovered seeing that excellent documentary is that there have been many scientific studies showing the harmful, or even extremely harmful and cancer-provoking nature of mobile phones’ electromagnetic radiation. However, and as usually is in many other cases, due to lobbying, political pressures, financial pressures, and of course even life threats: the results of those studies have never been published, or if published – the media has “somehow” ignored them…

Unfortunately the doc is in French without subtitles for the moment (Press here for link).
If you are not interested to dig into the subject, I would suggest just two things:

- Check out the SAR value (DAS) (Specific Absorption Rate) of your mobile in the following list (Press here for link), keeping in mind that above 1 W/Kg is extremely risky (even much lower could be, however again, due to lobbying there is currently no independent norm value published).

- And considering the following scientific study: [“…In a country like Sweden, where in general those kind of political pressures are less common than in other countries, the Oncologist Prof. Lennart Hardell found the following results in humans: The use of mobile phones for at least 1 hour per day for a period of 10 years, doubles the risk of brain cancer at the same brain location in vicinity to the ear used for mobile communication! Likewise, if one started using mobile before the age of 20, they have 5 times more risk for brain tumor! This is due to the higher vulnerability of brain at young age. The Professor also shows that development of such tumors is very fast and lethal, and one may die in several months from the moment of tumor detection. It is therefore not surprising that many people that participated in the Professor’s ten-year study, were already dead when he tried to recruit them for his following studies…”]

taken from www.20minutes.fr