
Welcome to the English version of the blog brouillondeconscience ('draft of consciousness' when translated from French).

How do we reconcile our spiritual quest with the reality of our daily life?
Often, in our "search for the Self" we begin to see the world as illusory, therefore we start ignoring it.
Yet this world of transient events is no more than the beaming expression of the Self.
This blog attempts to express the attention to the transient and the recognition of its Source.

The brouillondeconscience team

Version Française

Friday, September 24, 2010

A True Story

Meet Jasmine, the rescue dog who has become a surrogate mother for the 50th time

(Extract from http://www.dailymail.co.uk)

Jasmine was brought to the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary by the police in 2003, having been found dumped in a garden shed.

She was cold, filthy and malnourished. It took a few weeks for her to fully trust staff at the centre but with tender loving care she was nursed back to full fitness.

Five years on, Jasmine is now the one looking after stray waifs.

Geoff Grewcock, who runs the sanctuary, said: 'She simply dotes on the animals as if they were her on, it's incredible to see.

'She takes all the stress out of them and it helps them to not only feel close to her but
to settle into their new surroundings.

'As soon as an animal is brought in, she walks over takes a sniff or two and then licks and cuddles them.

'It is quite amazing, particularly as she is a greyhound breed and they are usually quite aggressive, That is why they are used for racing.

'Jasmine was abused when she was younger, the police brought her to us after discovering her whimpering in a garden shed.

'She was very nervous around us, she was caked in mud and dust and very thin. It took a while but gradually she got used to us and has been at the centre ever since.

'Having been neglected herself, it's a real surprise to she her show so much warmth and affection to other creatures.

'It's not just animals, she is great which children too, she is such a gentle, big-hearted dog.'

Bramble the fawn arrived at the centre two months ago after a dog walker came across her in a field dazed and confused.

Until she is old enough to be released back into the wild, she will continue to be cared for by Jasmine.

Geoff added: 'They are inseparable at the moment, Bramble walks between her legs and they keep kissing each other.
Happy family: Pictured from left to right are Tobe, a stray Lakeland dog; Bramble, an orphaned roe deer; Buster, a stray Jack Russell; a dumped rabbit and Sky, an injured barn owl

'They walk together round the sanctuary. It's absolutely marvellous. It's a real treat to see them.

'But she is like that with all of our animals, even the rabbits which greyhounds usually chase down the track.

'I remember we had two puppies that had been abandoned by a nearby railway line, one was a Lakeland Terrier cross and another was a Jack Russell Doberman cross.

'They were tiny when they arrived at the centre and Jasmine approached them and grabbed one by the scruff of the neck in her mouth and put him on the settee.

'Then he fetched the other one and sat down with them, cuddling them.

'She has done the same with the fox and badger cubs, she licks the rabbits and guinea pigs and even lets the birds perch on the bridge of her nose.

'It's very touching. Her maternal instincts take over all the time.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1103645/Meet-Jasmine-rescue-dog-surrogate-mother-50th-time.html#ixzz10QgNAI4u

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lost generation

The so-called lost generation won't be so lost ! 
Look at this beautiful video:  Here

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Eat, pray and love"

A very funny autobiography takes us to Italy, where Elizabeth Gilbert, a New York thirties, comes to escape the turmoil of a difficult divorce. She discovers the dolce vita and succulent Italian pasta. She then went to India to meditate and find inner peace in an ashram with ascetic rules (but with wacky and inspirational meetings). Last stop: Bali in Indonesia where she tries to find a new equilibrium.
 The movie will be released in France on the 22nd of september 2010. Will it be as funny as the book?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book: "Face to face with fear"

"A loving journey from Co-Dependency to Freedom".

Face to face with fear offers a roadmap with specific tools and guidance for how to travel from co-dependency to love and meditation. Sharing openly from his own life, his experiences working as a psychiatrist and seminar leader and his many years as a disciple of an enlightened master, Krishnananda (Dr. Thomas Trobe) takes us on a journey of self discovery and self love. The approach and message of the book is simple. Through acceptance, understanding and spaciousness, we can uncover and heal the deepest wounds of our soul.

This book is for anyone who dares and longs to explore the deepest issues in his or her life. Do we ever ask ourselves what causes so much anxiety? Why do we complain when we don’t get the love we want and need? What happens inside us when we suffer a deep loss – a lover leaves or a parent dies?

Hiding behind our protections, denial and addictive lifestyles, we are carrying a profoundly panicked and wounded inner child. How many of us have met this deeply frightened child?

Until we makes friends with our inner child, our life can never be a joyful and loving experience. Because of our panicked child, most of us live in co-dependency. We are not able to create or sustain intimate relationships. But when we open to our wounded vulnerability and begin to heal it, we bring love and fulfillment to our lives.

Krishnananda “Face to face with fear” - Koregaon – 2nd, revised edition 1998

To read a chapter see HERE.

Image taken from http://www.learningloveinstitute.com/

Monday, September 13, 2010

Meanwhile the earth doesn't growth...

The population has increased as much as that, but the size of the earth remains the same with even less ressources. Are we mad?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thich Nhat Hanh: Eating Meat and Starving Children

Thich Nhat Hanh: "When you eat meat, you are eating the flesh of all those children who have starved to death, because there wasn't enough food, grain to feed them."

Thich Nhat Hanh - nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Dr Martin Luther King. He is a Zen Buddhist monk.

Press here to watch 7min beautiful quiet video.

An interview with Satprem

"We have reached the moment, where consciousness turns toward an other dimension."

Is is a beautiful video with Satprem interviewed by David Montemurri in India. It was fimed in 1982 but all what Satprem says could be said nowaday!
Satprem was a french autor and confidant of 'The mother' and Sri Aurobindo

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fear Of Change

Question: "I feel alone, which is good, but I am confused. I don’t know what is happening. Things are changing around inside me so sometimes I feel frightened, sometimes there is a floating feeling."

" It is natural. Whenever you feel frightened, just relax. Accept the fact that fear is there, but don’t do anything about it. Neglect it; don’t pay any attention to it. Watch the body. There should not be any tension in it. If tension doesn’t exist in the body, the fear disappears automatically. Fear makes a certain tense state in the body, to get rooted in it. If the body is relaxed, fear is bound to disappear. A relaxed person cannot be scared. You cannot frighten a relaxed person. Even if fear comes, it will come like a wave...it will not get roots.

Fear coming and going like waves and you remaining untouched by it, is beautiful. When it gets rooted in you and starts growing in you, then it becomes a growth, a cancerous growth. Then it cripples your inner organism.
So whenever you feel frightened, the one thing to look at is that the body should not be tense. Lie down on the floor and relax — relaxation is the antidote for fear — and it will come and go. You simply watch.

That watching should not be of interest — indifferent. One just accepts that it’s okay. The day is hot; what can you do? The body is perspiring...one has to pass through it. The evening is coming close, and a cool breeze will be blowing.... So just watch it and be relaxed.
Once you have the knack of it, and you will have it soon — that if you are relaxed, fear cannot get attached to you, that it comes and goes and leaves you unscarred — then you have the key. And it will come. It will come because the more we change, the more fear will be coming.

Every change creates fear, because every change is putting you into the unfamiliar, into a strange world. If nothing changes and everything remains static, you will never have any fear. That means, if everything is dead, you will not be afraid.
For example, you are sitting down and there is a rock Lying down. There is no problem: you will look at the rock, and everything is okay. Suddenly the rock starts walking; you become frightened. Aliveness! Movement creates fear; and if everything is unmoving, there is no fear.

That’s why people, afraid of getting into fearful situations, arrange a life of no change. Everything remains the same and a person follows a dead routine, completely oblivious that life is a flux. He remains in an island of his own making in which nothing changes. The same room, the same photographs, the same furniture, the same house, the same habits, the same slippers — everything the same. The same brand of cigarettes; even a different brand you won’t like. Between this, amidst this sameness, one feels at ease.

People live almost in their graves. What you call a convenient and comfortable life is nothing but a subtle grave. So when you start changing, when you start on the journey of inner space, when you become an astronaut of the inner space, and everything is changing so fast, every moment is trembling with fear. So more and more fear has to be faced.

Let it be there. By and by you will start enjoying the changes so much that you will be ready at any cost. Change will give you vitality...more aliveness, zest, energy. Then you will not be like a pond...closed from everywhere, not moving. You will become like a river flowing towards the unknown, and towards the ocean where the river becomes lost. "

Osho, Be Realistic: Plan for a Miracle

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Earthlings: the movie and an interview of the director

This documentary EARTHLINS  (95 minutes) is about the crualty towards animals. It is a very touching movie, though some images are hard to bear as the violence can be extreme from human beings (economical reasons, lack of sensitity)

Here is an interesting interview of the director Shaun Monson:

Singing Sun

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who am I?

Does the person have a sort of reality?

It has no reality. What is real exists by itself, without the need of an agent to be known.
As the personality needs consciousness to be known, it is not real.
Jean Klein

Monday, September 6, 2010

Moving against the current

Liveliness, vitality, respect of life, true love... this is meditation.
Everything else -- is the mind.
And honesty is not a yard-stick for truth.

Action arising out of meditation, i.e. out of being -- is right, and is respectful to the totality of life.
Action arising only out of the mind, out of a logic-driven mind -- is very dangerous; and if the person is sincere with its logic, it's even worse: this person is confined in one's own blindness, in the forgetting of oneself, in one's total ignorance of the living, of love.

This is how people in past got to operate death camps during the second world war (in my draft, I wrote 'second mental war'!), or even nowadays, people working in factories which manufacture products completely polluting the earth and the living -- including human beings -- themselves and their children even! And the same factories produce medicine to "cure" the cancers that they provoke!

Their driving force is the success of the factory, its money and power. Simultaneously, these factories are of high technical apptitudes -- so it's not so simple. I like to speak about 'mind' and 'meditation' because it allows the understanding of the origine of the action.

Meditators can also make their voice heard.

The "mentally hyper-active" and the sleeping -- the "I don't want to know" -- will leave behind them a drained Earth, deprived of humans.
That's the present challenge for the meditators.


Film: Severn, The voice of our children

In 1992, at the Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro, for the first time a child addresses the decision makers of the planet. 18 years later, our actions do not reflect the discours: The Earth is in an even worse state, ans Severn is expecting now her first child. She expresses herself again, saying that despite the bad situation in which we are currently found in, it is still possible to make a change. 

To watch the Trailer: Severn, The voice of our children

The Toxicity of GMO

This captivating documentary explores the use of biotechnology in agriculture, as employed by the gigantic multinational Monsanto:This american multinational, which is today the world's leader in GMO, considered as one of the biggest polluants of the industrial era (e.g. PCB, Orange Agent used in the Vietnam war, growth hormons, Roundup...) and has become one of the world's top seed-producers. To have an idea of its public relations, one should have a look at their website where the company publishes its pledge -- to compare with the film underneath...  

 To watch the movie:  "The world according to Monsanto" 
