
Welcome to the English version of the blog brouillondeconscience ('draft of consciousness' when translated from French).

How do we reconcile our spiritual quest with the reality of our daily life?
Often, in our "search for the Self" we begin to see the world as illusory, therefore we start ignoring it.
Yet this world of transient events is no more than the beaming expression of the Self.
This blog attempts to express the attention to the transient and the recognition of its Source.

The brouillondeconscience team

Version Française

Monday, September 6, 2010

Moving against the current

Liveliness, vitality, respect of life, true love... this is meditation.
Everything else -- is the mind.
And honesty is not a yard-stick for truth.

Action arising out of meditation, i.e. out of being -- is right, and is respectful to the totality of life.
Action arising only out of the mind, out of a logic-driven mind -- is very dangerous; and if the person is sincere with its logic, it's even worse: this person is confined in one's own blindness, in the forgetting of oneself, in one's total ignorance of the living, of love.

This is how people in past got to operate death camps during the second world war (in my draft, I wrote 'second mental war'!), or even nowadays, people working in factories which manufacture products completely polluting the earth and the living -- including human beings -- themselves and their children even! And the same factories produce medicine to "cure" the cancers that they provoke!

Their driving force is the success of the factory, its money and power. Simultaneously, these factories are of high technical apptitudes -- so it's not so simple. I like to speak about 'mind' and 'meditation' because it allows the understanding of the origine of the action.

Meditators can also make their voice heard.

The "mentally hyper-active" and the sleeping -- the "I don't want to know" -- will leave behind them a drained Earth, deprived of humans.
That's the present challenge for the meditators.


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